The City of Richmond Truth Tazer

Truth so plain and simple that it's SHOCKING! Yes, it hurts some more than others, so proceed with caution!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

A TRULY concerned citizen expands on the TRUTH...

The Tazer has deemed this response worthy of front page action. A big thanks to the Dread Cap-i-tan for taking the time to compose this:

"Seems the silver lining in today's update is that the ice cream vendor lived. Still, attempted robbery + attempted murder had a high potential for lethality.

So, what will the city council do? Why, maintain the status quo, of course! To the city council: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, PROVE ME WRONG!!!

As for seeing to it that Cinco de Mayo festivities happen during the day, I'm taking this to mean that official events will occur and be complete before sundown. As we're heading into summer, there's been more and more sunlight, so I don't think that's a terribly good thing to allow.

More to the point, if "Have the events during the day" is the RPD stance -- and they're counting on Mr. Sun to do most of their work -- then I'm going to recommend that everyone batten down their hatches.

RPD is going to have to be EXTRA vigilant, and network freely with CCC sheriff, CHP, and any other mutual aid cities, especially as night falls and alcohol accumulates in revellers.Any possibilty of legally abbreviating alcoholic beverage sales tomorrow?

It would only be a defensive measure, but a possibly imporant one that should be investigated if the city can do it.

Likewise, any other measures for 23rd St. in particular, such as anti-cruising ordinances, strict enforcement of loitering, or maybe even sobriety checkpoints. Sure, 23rd lets out to darn near anywhere, but in association with the CHP, the least that can be done is prevention of drunk driving."
The Tazer LOVES the truth!


  • At May 04, 2006 1:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The Tazer speaks the truth!

  • At May 04, 2006 2:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    This will be a long week of possible street violence. God help us all.

  • At May 04, 2006 4:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hell I don't plan to be there or anybody I know. These people in Richmond are just plan crazy!


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