The City of Richmond Truth Tazer

Truth so plain and simple that it's SHOCKING! Yes, it hurts some more than others, so proceed with caution!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

A Very Wandom Wednesday

Anyone catch last night's marathon meeting? As it ran past Team Tazer's beddy-by, we had to catch it in all of its WMV glory from KCRT. Some semi-random points of interest...


* The Tazer is simultaneously bemused and disgusted by all of the foolish parliamentary squabbling. It really seemed like there was more time spent discussing what would be discussed and when than on the topics themselves.

* Irma Anderson sure is annoying when she's interrupting people to tout her pet ballot spending increase.

* Maria Viramontes sure is annoying when she's interrupting people to tout her pet ballot tax increase.

* Fiscal irresponsibility is a recurring epidemic in Richmond. Case in point: the city council sure enjoys spending money it doesn't have in hand, and that's how multi-million dollar defecits happen

* Tom Butt and Nat Bates have a thumb on the pulse of the problem: robbing Peter to pay Paul works great for Paul.

* The pattycake of Jim & Jim was just plain silly. Jim Goins was operating in real numbers now. Jim Rogers was operating in what-ifs then. Sounds like someone isn't cut out for thinking about the future of Richmond.

* Twenty-seven speakers on Item K-1: "Support the recommendation to send the SAFE STREETS NOW! More Police & Anti-Violence Act to the November General Election ballot for consideration by the voters – Mayor Anderson (620-6503)." That's a whole lot of lumps!

* Michael Ali: very passionate on the issue. The Tazer doesn't find the same level of heat on the council. Thus, no political will to produce a solution for violent crime.

* The Tazer is intrigued by Mr. Ali's mention of Israeli response to terror. After the latest rocket strikes by Hezbollah, the terrorists were reportedly shocked by the strength and speed of the IDF counterattack. This shock was a result of softened enemy expectations.

* Thugs in Richmond have grown to expect little to no attention. Christmas in July, or "October Surprise"?

* Pastor Carlton Leonard: short-sighted, racist, classist, divisive.

* Lee Jones and Vice Mayor Maria Viramontes had a testy exchange. She tried to make him feel better about shelling out money to the city when he didn't have to. Sounds like someone likes to collect other people's money a little too much...

* Gary Bell touted personal, community, and fiscal responsibility, and made an interesting point: a mere ballot measure isn't a solution. Tazer Question: Between now and November 7th, is leadership going to take charge, or will they uphold the status quo and continue to pretend?

* The Tazer's Littlest Violin Award goes to Vice Mayor Maria Viramontes (aka: VMMV) for this tearjerker prelude to an attack on Mayor Irma Anderson: "I have lived through all of it. I raised three children in the Iron Triangle and in the Belding Woods. By choice. By choice. By choice. Let me say that again, by choice."

* Tazer Question for you, Madam Vice Mayor: What's it like being absolutely NOT DIFFERENT from the rest of us? We residents of RIchmond have it just as tough or tougher.

* VMMV cites poor growth in city income, and yet touts more burden on business. If businesses leave or don't come, property owners who would STILL be taxed STILL have to work somewhere, right?

* And now some verbal sparring, prompted by an impatient Mayor Anderson, and carried on by an equally petulant VIce Mayor Viramontes. The Tazer calls foul on them both for the sniping.

* To the "Mayor" and "Vice Mayor": Your behavior was childish, unbecoming, and petty. You should be ashamed, but you probably aren't. Heck, you got paid while throwing that temper tantrum. What should shame have to do with that?

* Richard Griffin, picking up the Tazer's Voice Of Reason Award: "This is not our money. It is the people's money."

* Tazer Question, prompted by Nat Bates: If we residents of Richmond have to live within our means, why doesn't the city of Richmond?

* Tom Butt picks up the Tazer's Truth Is Comedy Award: "This is your city, you've elected a city council up here that you deserve...I don't know why you sit these clowns up here."

* Tazer says: True, all true, all UNFORTUNATELY true.

* Tazer Trophy nominee Irma Anderson, winning the nomination and receiving the reception of the Tazer's Redundant Award for Most Prized Redundancy in a Duplicated Duplication of a Tazer Trophy Award Prize: "Now is the time for us to make a very decisive decision to decide that safety is more important than our political egos."

* To Richard Griffin: If you're not a clown, don't be mad. Leave that for the clowns.

* The Tazer invents an award for Most Snide Comment, in "honor" of the parting shot by Viramontes ahead of the vote for K-1: "It's all about the campaign. That's all that matters."

* A Tazer note: Honestly, Tazer Faithful, I can't make these things up. Well, not ALL of it...

* But seriously, to VMMV: Of course it's about the campaign! Why will Anderson be stumping with a petition in hand, and why are YOU complaining about it!?

* The Tazer's Rebirth of Slick Award goes to Bill Lindsay and the Notorious VMMV for their K-2 proposal "Resolution approving submittal of the Business License Tax to the voters at the November 7, 2006, General Election – City Manager’s Office (Bill Lindsay 620-6512)."

* Hands down -- from the definition of "Manufacturing" to include "refining/processing hydrocarbons" the new rate of "the greater of 1/8th of 1 percent of the values of materials used in the manufacturing process or the revised employee rate" the material cost being assessed at a "published price index" -- this is slicker than a barrel of Chevron's oil.

* Why not cut to chase? "Dear Chevron: Break yourself. Love, Richmond, City of Pride (in taxation) and Purpose (in spending)."


  • At July 26, 2006 4:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Very interesting roundup. Too bad about all the inanity and insanity, as well as Viramontes' seeming zeal for taxation, and you can't spell ZEALOT without zeal. Sticking it to Chevron is the sort of thing that I would expect from McLaughlin, Reardon, and other environmental socialists.

    Have to give the Tazer big props on Irma's "Redundant" award for "decisive decision to decide." That there is pure comedy gold!

  • At July 26, 2006 4:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…



  • At July 26, 2006 4:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Mayor Anderson has clearly showed her true colours. Pimping and pandering families who have lost loved ones in killings in Richmomd and using Minsters of faith to maintain and control her FINAL DAYS IN OFFICE. She lied to the community and as 'Nighthawk' stated, she has exploited us with lies with regards to the 10 million dollars for cops!

    Mayor Anderson, you have just lost my husband and my vote for your deception and lies.

  • At July 27, 2006 4:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It is such a shame that a senior citizen, who is also a Mayor of one of the largest cities in the State of California, would lie to the taxpayers and citizens of Richmond.

    Irma lied and knowingly used peoples emotions and feelings to use anti-violence law enforcement to help her get reelected in November. She is nothing more than a liar and a user of people

  • At July 27, 2006 10:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    What exactly was the lie? That we need more police? That we can set the money aside? That we should tax landlords or not? What?

    Settting aside if you like and will vote for any of these folks, the question before council was about two proposals. Tax increase, or revenue set aside. Maybe you like both. Maybe you don't like either one. But seriously, if you want to be taken seriously, debate the issues. Otherwise you're just espousing propoganda.

    I'd like to see an educated debate.

    I think Richmond sees enough name calling at the city council. I thought you people were above that.

    The Richtown Homie

  • At July 27, 2006 11:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Howdy, "speedy gonzales"! If you've lurked here long enough, you know that I also like to see an educated debate. Let's begin...

    For my part, I cringe whenever I hear the city council mentioning budgets, be it cuts, deficits, and even surpluses. Cuts have to come from somewhere, maybe lots of somewheres or everywhere. Lots of no-smiling after that. Deficits mean that more money is going out than is coming in, and it's certainly something that the city has been wont to do, especially when their eyes get bigger than their stomachs, if you catch my drift. A surplus means that measures to counteract a deficit, usually in the form of tax or fee hikes, has worked too well and businesses and residents were soaked. Surpluses also get eyed as play money, as a substitute for financial thrift.

    Perhaps I'm cynical, but I just don't trust either proposal, together or apart. Anderson wants to skim from all over the budget for police recruiting and anti-violence programs. Viramontes wants to stick it to Chevron AND small business AND landlords. Put them them together and not only will city departments have to conduct operations with less, but the city becomes less hospitable to business AND the cost of being a landlord will fall to renters.

    What I'd really like to see is the city pay good, close fiscal attention BEFORE having to shuffle their cards or pass the buck to businesses and residents. I know I have to budget and be careful with my money. Why should the city be different?


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