You are cordially invited...
While the Tazer was taking in the post-crowning afterglow at the Civic Center last evening, we got to chat with our old pal John Geluardi...
Seriously, John, we'd like to know what you really think about journalistic impartiality...without having to call us "political scumbags." We much prefer to think of ourselves as the new muckrakers of the day, except that we're probably a little more optimistic about outcomes. Richmond has the potential for greatness IF it can overcome its problems.
Having a whole newspaper in which to play is what some would call "old school." It's 20th century technology: molecular, palpable, and slow. We at the Tazer find it quaint, and yet we're all still old enough to appreciate spreading a paper around the dining room table over coffee and toast. Even now, our copy of the Times is in the breakroom, ruffled from repeated viewings.
The Tazer, on the other hand, is 21st century technology: electronic, ethereal, and rapid. Even the Times has an online edition, which can supply breaking news and updates...that the next print edition has to wait for, if the information is still relevant.
Contempt for blogs is nothing new, and I suppose we can diagnose the source. Journalists are supposed to graduate from journalism school, pay their dues in the ink mines, and then maybe claw their way up to doing illuminated manuscripts with the other scribes. That's molecular, palpable, and slow.
But bloggers, shucks, they have it easy! Sign up for the thing, type whatever they want, then click the button that says "Publish." No need for degrees, experience, or even intelligence. That's electronic, ethereal, and rapid.
"Well, harumph harumph, that's NOT publishing!" says the journalist. "It happens TOO fast! Where are their credentials and did they graduate from Columbia!? Who checks their facts!? I will not STOOP to the level of these nameless nobodies!"
REALITY CHECK: Back here in the 21st century, information moves faster than the paperboy can throw it.
Yup, that includes the City of Richmond, too.
So, John, it's not that we don't like you. You've written lots of great stuff and we appreciate your contributions to Tent City, but when you can't seem to contain some of the biases you may have, we can't help but point it out. Like you said, we're nobodies, so if an AP Stylebook and journalism creds aren't hiding things well enough, what does that mean, it's OUR fault? Of course not. The byline on "Green era begins for troubled city" says "John Geluardi" on it.
Again, to clarify, and paraphrasing Tazerville regular "Roscoe P. Coltrane": You felt the need to point out NOT that Gayle McLauglin is white, but that her opponents were black. "Does he and the Times do that for everyone he writes about, or just black people, or just opponents of his candidate?"
We'll let you elaborate on whatever you'd like. Go ahead and leave it in the comments, then we'll publish it.
And no need to call it "stooping" or otherwise reducing yourself. You HAVE to sign your name to what you write in the Times because it's a publication of record. We are but a blog and we like it that way. No bylines, no deadlines, and all we have to do is read the news and comment. Still, we're not afraid to publish opposing viewpoints or clarifications, so here's your big chance to tell your side of things.
The Tazer doesn't pretend to be journalists, yet we're still interested in the truth. We're opinion driven, first and foremost, unabashedly. But in the end our ultimate product must be accurate and unflinching.
Which is also why we remain anonymous. We're everywhere, including positions of responsibility in the City of Richmond. Inside and outside City Hall, the Tazer is both hailed and cursed, but we keep our identities secret all the same. It's for our own good, as well as for our loved ones. The Tazer is our outlet, our torch for shining light on the truth, and some people REALLY don't like the truth.
Seriously, John, you met us and didn't even know it, but we said it was good to make your acquaintance and we meant it.
Seriously, John, we'd like to know what you really think about journalistic impartiality...without having to call us "political scumbags." We much prefer to think of ourselves as the new muckrakers of the day, except that we're probably a little more optimistic about outcomes. Richmond has the potential for greatness IF it can overcome its problems.
Having a whole newspaper in which to play is what some would call "old school." It's 20th century technology: molecular, palpable, and slow. We at the Tazer find it quaint, and yet we're all still old enough to appreciate spreading a paper around the dining room table over coffee and toast. Even now, our copy of the Times is in the breakroom, ruffled from repeated viewings.
The Tazer, on the other hand, is 21st century technology: electronic, ethereal, and rapid. Even the Times has an online edition, which can supply breaking news and updates...that the next print edition has to wait for, if the information is still relevant.
Contempt for blogs is nothing new, and I suppose we can diagnose the source. Journalists are supposed to graduate from journalism school, pay their dues in the ink mines, and then maybe claw their way up to doing illuminated manuscripts with the other scribes. That's molecular, palpable, and slow.
But bloggers, shucks, they have it easy! Sign up for the thing, type whatever they want, then click the button that says "Publish." No need for degrees, experience, or even intelligence. That's electronic, ethereal, and rapid.
"Well, harumph harumph, that's NOT publishing!" says the journalist. "It happens TOO fast! Where are their credentials and did they graduate from Columbia!? Who checks their facts!? I will not STOOP to the level of these nameless nobodies!"
REALITY CHECK: Back here in the 21st century, information moves faster than the paperboy can throw it.
Yup, that includes the City of Richmond, too.
So, John, it's not that we don't like you. You've written lots of great stuff and we appreciate your contributions to Tent City, but when you can't seem to contain some of the biases you may have, we can't help but point it out. Like you said, we're nobodies, so if an AP Stylebook and journalism creds aren't hiding things well enough, what does that mean, it's OUR fault? Of course not. The byline on "Green era begins for troubled city" says "John Geluardi" on it.
Again, to clarify, and paraphrasing Tazerville regular "Roscoe P. Coltrane": You felt the need to point out NOT that Gayle McLauglin is white, but that her opponents were black. "Does he and the Times do that for everyone he writes about, or just black people, or just opponents of his candidate?"
We'll let you elaborate on whatever you'd like. Go ahead and leave it in the comments, then we'll publish it.
And no need to call it "stooping" or otherwise reducing yourself. You HAVE to sign your name to what you write in the Times because it's a publication of record. We are but a blog and we like it that way. No bylines, no deadlines, and all we have to do is read the news and comment. Still, we're not afraid to publish opposing viewpoints or clarifications, so here's your big chance to tell your side of things.
The Tazer doesn't pretend to be journalists, yet we're still interested in the truth. We're opinion driven, first and foremost, unabashedly. But in the end our ultimate product must be accurate and unflinching.
Which is also why we remain anonymous. We're everywhere, including positions of responsibility in the City of Richmond. Inside and outside City Hall, the Tazer is both hailed and cursed, but we keep our identities secret all the same. It's for our own good, as well as for our loved ones. The Tazer is our outlet, our torch for shining light on the truth, and some people REALLY don't like the truth.
Seriously, John, you met us and didn't even know it, but we said it was good to make your acquaintance and we meant it.
At January 10, 2007 3:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
What a smug tone. And you forgot to mention the Tazer "moderator" has the ability to censor absolutely everything posted.
Beware of ANY and ALL- driven- by power control and wanting to persuade the public through media manipulation
You sound like a frustrated journalist yourself Mr. Tazer
At January 10, 2007 5:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
The spirit of the people's tent city revolution is everywhere!
At January 11, 2007 7:34 AM,
Plunda Claus said…
Dear Ann Onymous,
Thanks for reading AND for noticing! We are indeed smug.
The moderation on this board means that we COULD censor absolutely everything posted. But we don't. Your comment got through, after all.
You might be surprised by how much cursing and namecalling comes through from posters who are obviously frustrated by the situation in Richmond. While we feel their pain, it's not the sort of thing that ought to get through for general consumption. Sorry if you don't understand that, but we feel we're taking a more responsible approach on OUR blog.
And yes, the manipulation of public opinion through skewed media is just one of the things we're on the lookout for. That's why we've put a spotlight on certain items from time to time. For instance, journalists are free to belong to any political party or support any candidate(s), but such a bias(es) shouldn't interfere with their reportage.
As for being "a frustrated journalist...Mr. Tazer", we've never claimed to be journalists of any stripe and there's no "Mr. Tazer." There's the collective "We of the Tazer" because there are both men and women here. We come from many walks of life, from different cultures, from various generations of thought, and have multitudinous points of view, except in one regard: we want the City of Richmond to be prosperous, safe, and free from violent crime.
Yours in smugness,
The Richmond Truth Tazer
At January 11, 2007 7:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
You should look up the word SMUG! It's nothing to be proud of.
At January 11, 2007 11:39 AM,
Anonymous said…
Well the way I see it Mr Geluardi was given the invite to write his response so it's on him now!
At January 11, 2007 12:45 PM,
Plunda Claus said…
Dear Ann,
We already know the meaning of smug. It derives from the attitudes between the nouveau riche and "old money."
If you think of "old school" print media and how they look down on "new school" blogs, it fits quite well.
As you sow, so shall ye reap,
The Richmond Truth Tazer
At January 11, 2007 4:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
Kewl! The Tazer censors? You folks are big time.
At January 11, 2007 5:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
Is that Geluardi that keeps getting smacked down by the Tazer? Smug is as smug does I guess.
At January 12, 2007 4:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
These outsiders just does not get it!
At January 13, 2007 12:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
MIke Ali as you sow so shall you reap. Get a check on your Megalomania and racism!!!
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