Another Day With The City Council...
At today's Richmond City Council's morning session regarding the operations budget,(June 13, 2006) Council person Jim Rogers admitted that both the City Government of Richmond and the City Council had a 'DISCONNECT' to the people and community of Richmond.
And they are struggling even harder to admit they have a 'TOTAL DISCONNECTION' to the Violence Prevention Movement, the victims and their families; and the issues that are surrounding why our young people KILL other young people here in Richmond.
I swear to you that our Violence Prevention Movement Boycott has been highly successful city wide in Richmond! 'The Committee of Families for the Safety of Our Children' and other organizations has not given up NOR will we give up the Boycott until the City Government of Richmond, the Mayor's Office and certain members are prepared to admit they have NO plans, NO leadership, and NO vision of how to develop and implement policies to contain and reduce the violence and killing here in Richmond!
TAZER NOTE: Some have wondered "Why are you boycotting when we need solutions?" THIS IS EXACTLY WHY! THIS SEEMS TO BE THE BEST WAY TO GET HARD HEADED PEOPLE TO back to the goodies...
At the morning session of today's City Council meeting, an Elder spoke of her frustation and anger at the Mayor and certain members for their FAILURE to address the real issues to why the violence and killing are happening here in town. The current Mayor's response was to shutdown and censure the Elder at the microphone. Not only did Mayor Anderson show a total disrespect for the Elder's concern, she did not even respond as an 'elected official' to the Elder's concerns of why the CITY OF RICHMOND IS LOSING THE WAR ON VIOLENCE!
TAZER NOTE: This may answer our question as to whether "Policital Thuggery" is alive and well for this election year eh? Good going Irma...hope you didn't need that vote...
Just the use of blantant abuse to silence your critics in the Council Chambers, shutdown an African-American Elder because she using her First Amendent Rights to address her concerns that the City of Richmond's failure to stop the violence and killing is JUST DAMN WRONG !
And Councilman Rogers in the same breath states that the City Government and the Council has a 'DISCONNECT' with the residents of our City. I wonder why! Man, some people are just plain STUPID! The Richmond Violence Prevention Movement Boycott continues on, our victory is not all that far away! The Richmond City Council, NO leadership, NO vision, NO plan! They are the biggest JOKE in town!
Yours in the Struggle For Human and Civil Rights in the City of Richmond
Micheal Ali
At June 13, 2006 1:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
In the face of criticism, the response is "shut up"? Oh, this is rich...
Sounds like somebody's time just expired.
At June 13, 2006 2:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
I hope that Elder plans to attend the next City Council meeting to make her point on the violence in this city during Open Forum.
Today's meetings were soley about the 5-Yr Budget Plan & nothing else!
At June 13, 2006 2:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
LOL! LOL! What fools, I mean straight up fools! That old broad that calls herself a mayor, come on doc shes gotta go! Hey Bro Mike, gotta quick question man!!
Why in the hell don't you run for mayor? You got the juice brother!
At June 13, 2006 3:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
Well that would seem one less reason to vote for the City Mayor this year. How rude can you get? Irma you have known my family for years, I can tell you honey for this years election we will not be voting for you, much less carrying you no more.
At June 13, 2006 9:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
"Make Me Laugh" the new comdey show every Tuesday night at 7:00PM on KCRT-Channel 28
At June 14, 2006 4:29 AM,
Anonymous said…
It seems that most of your community writers that contribute to the Richmond Truth Tazer and the many people who write here in the commentary box, we all seem to agree Mayor Irma Anderson must not be re-elected Mayor to a second term. We all agree on this point for a whole series of reasons!
So the logical question would be who would be the the most qualifed person to be our new Mayor in Novemeber, 2006!
I beileve that would be past City Council person, Mr. Gary Bell.
Many see Bell as well-liked, has really experience and knows how the City Hall works and has a real understanding of our community.
He really might be the very best choice to become the new Mayor of Richmond! I believe he would do a fine job!
At June 14, 2006 7:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
Y'know, I'll take a look at darn near ANYONE else at this point. Don't know too much about Gary Bell, but maybe the Tazer can shed some light.
Maybe the Tazer can land a Q&A with him and any other interested persons about what they'd do to make Richmond better. Post the results here for all to see so that visitors can compare, contrast, and comment.
At June 14, 2006 9:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
At the rate comments seem to be degrading here, the Tazer is beginning to sound mighty beligerent and uninformed.
Or is it that this page is mostly about bashing the mayor and/or any attempts at maintaining control over meetings?
What has this blog accomplished besides decent within our community?
At June 14, 2006 9:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
At the rate comments seem to be degrading here, the Tazer is beginning to sound mighty beligerent and uninformed.
Or is it that this page is mostly about bashing the mayor and/or any attempts at maintaining control over meetings?
What has this blog accomplished besides decent within our community?
At June 14, 2006 9:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
At the rate comments seem to be degrading here, the Tazer is beginning to sound mighty beligerent and uninformed.
Or is it that this page is mostly about bashing the mayor and/or any attempts at maintaining control over meetings?
What has this blog accomplished besides decent within our community?
At June 14, 2006 10:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
The arrogance and petulance of "anonymous" is astounding!
Last I checked, to be "belligerent" -- which you misspelled, by the way -- is to be aggressively hostile. I much prefer to think of myself as very passionate about the direction of Richmond, and I think that the Tazer would characterize itself as similarly passionate.
If you find that I am "bashing the mayor and/or any attempts at maintaining control over meetings," I must ask why you think there needs to be so strict a control over meetings, or even over what is said here on the Tazer.
By "What has this blog accomplished besides decent (sic) within our community?" I believe you mean "dissent," but then what is dissent? It means to disagree, or differ by way of opinion. Are you saying we must march in lockstep with the mayor or city council?
Do you fear discussion? Do you fear opinions that are not yours? Do you fear criticism? Do you fear the truth?
At June 14, 2006 10:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
Doesn't that says all?
Think about it.
Inge Oliver
At June 14, 2006 10:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
Doesn't that says all?
Think about it.
Inge Oliver
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