Tension mounts...
The Tazer wasn't the only entity experiencing consternation over this "Safe Streets Now" proposal being shopped by Irma Anderson. Regular Tazer reader and contributor Michael Ali had this to say on the matter:
In response to the very timely piece that the current edition of the 'RICHMOND TRUTH TASER' put out regarding Mayor Anderson's press conference yesterday (Wednesday-August 9, 2006), let the following facts of truth and public record be known to the readers of the 'TASER'.
Mayor Anderson's current administration over the past 4 1/2 years has had over 182 deaths from violence and killings in the killing fields of Richmond. Her so-called 'War On Violence' has failed and lost years ago. She is using her theme of 'Safe Streets Now!' as nothing more then a campaign tool for her re-election. She is EXPLOITING my family and all other families who are survivors, that have lost family to the violence and killing. She is now asking us to PROSTITUTE ourselves by endorsing a worthless ballot measure, that neither is supported by the Richmond City Council, City Manager, the City Fianance Director or the current Chief of Police, who has remained silent on the matter.
Here are the true facts that the REAL RICHMOND VIOLENCE PREVENTION MOVEMENT knows:
1. That the current Chief of Police Magnus can petition the Richmond City Council for any funding that his Department needs in terms of money, technology, manpower and firepower; his requests will be granted by the Council, that would include the War On Violence. So there would be no need for a special election as Mayor Anderson touts.
2. The so-called 'Safe Streets Now!' monies could not even be used or allocated until July 2007 [time of passage of next budget -- ed.].
3. The Richmond Police Department currently has somewhere between 25 to 30 positions open to recruit and hire new street-level officers. Translated that means there is enough money available NOW to recruit and hire 25 to 30 new street-level officers. Again with that funding available, it negates the need for another rip-off special election.
4. And the most damning thought is that Mayor Anderson was illegally campaigning on City property and on duty as the Mayor at the press conference. She had staff from Supervisor John Gioia's office passing out 'Anderson For Mayor' campaign literature which is a VIOLATION OF THE BROWN ACT AND THEREFORE ILLEGAL!
This information was held back at the so-called press conference! Exploiting our families, lying and deceiving the citizens of Richmond, illegally campaiging! What a sham of democracy!
Yours in the Struggle for Human and Civil Rights in the City of Richmond,
Micheal Ali
The Tazer stands ready for all discussion on this matter, no matter how pointed, but reasoned.
EDIT, August 3rd, 6:31 PM: Mike Ali reports this addendum:
"I got a phone from Contra Costa County Board of SupervisorJohn Gioia, who was concerned when I had mentioned at the Mayor's press conference that one of his staff was illegallly passing out 'reelect Irma Anderson for Mayor campaign literature' on City property and while Mayor Anderson was on duty for the press conference. I stated that it was a violation of the Brown Act to do as such.
Gioia stated that his staffer was a part-time employee and was passing it out on her on time. Nor was she representing his office while she was there. Okay, I promised the Supervisor that I would set the record straight about his pat-time staffer. Now I told him that it was still a violation of the Brown Act to campaign on City Property or doing City business. He contends that this individual was perfectly well within their rights to do as such and did not violate the Brown Act, and was not illegally campaigning. Hhhummm! Yeah right, whatever!"
Duly noted, Mr. Ali, and thank you for that. Supervisor Gioia and Mayor Anderson are welcome to give their own accountings of this incident. The Tazer is more than just fair and balanced, it is equal time to any who wish to participate.
In response to the very timely piece that the current edition of the 'RICHMOND TRUTH TASER' put out regarding Mayor Anderson's press conference yesterday (Wednesday-August 9, 2006), let the following facts of truth and public record be known to the readers of the 'TASER'.
Mayor Anderson's current administration over the past 4 1/2 years has had over 182 deaths from violence and killings in the killing fields of Richmond. Her so-called 'War On Violence' has failed and lost years ago. She is using her theme of 'Safe Streets Now!' as nothing more then a campaign tool for her re-election. She is EXPLOITING my family and all other families who are survivors, that have lost family to the violence and killing. She is now asking us to PROSTITUTE ourselves by endorsing a worthless ballot measure, that neither is supported by the Richmond City Council, City Manager, the City Fianance Director or the current Chief of Police, who has remained silent on the matter.
Here are the true facts that the REAL RICHMOND VIOLENCE PREVENTION MOVEMENT knows:
1. That the current Chief of Police Magnus can petition the Richmond City Council for any funding that his Department needs in terms of money, technology, manpower and firepower; his requests will be granted by the Council, that would include the War On Violence. So there would be no need for a special election as Mayor Anderson touts.
2. The so-called 'Safe Streets Now!' monies could not even be used or allocated until July 2007 [time of passage of next budget -- ed.].
3. The Richmond Police Department currently has somewhere between 25 to 30 positions open to recruit and hire new street-level officers. Translated that means there is enough money available NOW to recruit and hire 25 to 30 new street-level officers. Again with that funding available, it negates the need for another rip-off special election.
4. And the most damning thought is that Mayor Anderson was illegally campaigning on City property and on duty as the Mayor at the press conference. She had staff from Supervisor John Gioia's office passing out 'Anderson For Mayor' campaign literature which is a VIOLATION OF THE BROWN ACT AND THEREFORE ILLEGAL!
This information was held back at the so-called press conference! Exploiting our families, lying and deceiving the citizens of Richmond, illegally campaiging! What a sham of democracy!
Yours in the Struggle for Human and Civil Rights in the City of Richmond,
Micheal Ali
The Tazer stands ready for all discussion on this matter, no matter how pointed, but reasoned.
EDIT, August 3rd, 6:31 PM: Mike Ali reports this addendum:
"I got a phone from Contra Costa County Board of SupervisorJohn Gioia, who was concerned when I had mentioned at the Mayor's press conference that one of his staff was illegallly passing out 'reelect Irma Anderson for Mayor campaign literature' on City property and while Mayor Anderson was on duty for the press conference. I stated that it was a violation of the Brown Act to do as such.
Gioia stated that his staffer was a part-time employee and was passing it out on her on time. Nor was she representing his office while she was there. Okay, I promised the Supervisor that I would set the record straight about his pat-time staffer. Now I told him that it was still a violation of the Brown Act to campaign on City Property or doing City business. He contends that this individual was perfectly well within their rights to do as such and did not violate the Brown Act, and was not illegally campaigning. Hhhummm! Yeah right, whatever!"
Duly noted, Mr. Ali, and thank you for that. Supervisor Gioia and Mayor Anderson are welcome to give their own accountings of this incident. The Tazer is more than just fair and balanced, it is equal time to any who wish to participate.
At August 03, 2006 12:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am a new reader to your Richmond Truth Taser. I wanted to thank you and Mike for really putting the truth out there about the Mayor's antics. This really is nothing more than a desperate shot at her getting re-elected.
It is such a shame, that post-Watergate tactics are being used here in Richmond to influence an election based on lies. Yet the community has been lied to again.
At August 03, 2006 1:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
An open letter to Mike Ali,
Dear Mr. Ali: I wanted to express my graditude to you for exposing how dirty, nasty and low Mayor Anderson would stoop to get re-elected as Mayor of Richmond again.
It is such a shame that an elected offical would stoop so low to directly lie to the voters of Richmond and bring more pain to the families that have lost family members due to killing in our city.
This press conference clearly shows she will do anything (and that includes lying to the people of Richmond) to get back for a second term as Mayor!
Shame on you, Ms Anderson, you have disgraced our community.
At August 03, 2006 1:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
Michael Ali, what you've just presented is flabbergasting, especially where the budget is concerned!
I distinctly remember the FY2006 just passing not long ago. "Safe Streets Now" is all about changing spending, so it must hinge on being a budget item. That means it not only has to be approved by voters in November, it also has to get passed for FY2007! Thus, for Irma Anderson to have the word "Now" in that proposal is a marketing LIE! A bill of goods is being sold to the people of Richmond that can't be delivered now, nor can it be delivered soon, even if the voters don't say no! Combined with the abuse of the Brown Act, she and Gioia are digging themselves down to new political lows by using the victims of violent crime and the clergy who counsel them.
So, what's the deal, Mike!? What's the answer to that nonsense!?
At August 03, 2006 3:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
Captain, I have said it before and I say it again, I really enjoy approach and style to getting things done!
I would say my response to your more than fair question would be as follows. Someone pointed out in past posting recently, the one thing then President Nixon and Mayor Irma Anderson share in common, that these are their final days in office. And both adminstrations then and now know that to be a fact. And will do anything to abuse power to retain power.
It is widely known throughtout the Richmond community that Mayor Anderson is one of the most disliked and unpopular mayors in the past 25 years of Richmond politics. As one clergy member has told me just today as of this posting, "Look at the way she is approaching the war on violence as example, she clearly displays no leadership on handling the 'Safe Street Now' fiasco she has created.
She is obviously exploitng victim's families in a matter than is nothing more than a re-eelction ploy!"
Captain, I can personally tell you I have been to more wakes and funerals than I can count! I have over the past few years have seen thousands and thousands of people lash out in anger and hopelessness inside these funeral homes knowing that 182 victims of violence and killing will never be resolved. That would include my own family member as well! If you could only hear real Richmond VOICES speak inside those funeral homes, Irma would think twice about running again!
Mayor Anderson's so-called 'War On Violence'is both an insult and the biggest joke in town! She does not understand why thousands of people who are connected to our families who have lost family members dislike or some cases truly loathe her. She and her administration are truly out of touch and out of control when it comes to the REAL 'War On Violence' that I proudly serve in daily on the frontlines!
How DARE she use my deceased niece in law in this deadly gambit she wants to play. My deceased niece is not a campaign tool or press conference stat, she was and still is real human being, and to USE AND EXPLOIT her name is just damn WRONG spirtually and morally!
The dishonor and deceit she was brazen enough to do at the press conference is a betrayal of the oath of office she swore to uphold!
If this were on a federal or state level, it would be enough to start impeachment procedures.
I would honestly say to you Captain and our readers, that killing fields of Richmond are just getting warmed up and all the Mayor can worry about is if she will get reelected again at the BLOOD OF MY NIECE IN LAW! How dare she!
Yours in the Struggle for Human and Civil Rights in Richmond,
Micheal Ali- Committee of Families for the Safety of Our Children
At August 03, 2006 6:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
Using deceased people for poltical gains! How ghoulish!
At August 03, 2006 11:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
My God using families that have lost their children, Mayor Anderson is just plain sick. What kind of a human being would lower herself to this type of cheap politics? Only God knows!
At August 03, 2006 11:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
My God using families that have lost their children, Mayor Anderson is just plain sick. What kind of a human being would lower herself to this type of cheap politics? Only God knows!
At August 04, 2006 12:01 AM,
Anonymous said…
As the Marley tune say, "Irma all come tumblin' down!"
At August 04, 2006 1:06 AM,
Anonymous said…
Wow it's like this is a real time soap-opera. Looks soon like Irma is going to be written out of the script. Oh well there goes the ratings! KCRT will have to find another series.
At August 04, 2006 3:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
Does anybody know why her eyes are always red? Maybe she's a big fan of Cheech and Chong. Up in smoke anyone?
At August 04, 2006 9:11 AM,
Anonymous said…
Can Richmond allow itself to be deceived by a charlatan? Irma Anderson and her many homicides say YES! Already, she has fooled the grieving and stricken with the help of her Oakland propagandists! L.E.G. tells her to call it "SAFE STREETS NOW" but the steets can not be safe now or ever as long as she is in charge! The press conference on Wed was nothing but a bad informercial to make her mayor again!
At August 04, 2006 9:34 AM,
Anonymous said…
Mr. Ali: Why not be fair with your commentary to this Tazer audience and broadcast the Brown Act Violations made this week by other candidates for mayor on National Night Out:
Gayle McLaughlin & Gary Bell
Shouldn't THEY also know better?
Now, let's review your campaigning efforts for Mr. Bell - you too gave out campaign material during the cities National Night Out also.
Do you feel justified because you were not on city property? Isn't it the same violation to be using a city event for political purposes?
At August 04, 2006 10:38 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hey, "anonymous"! Glad to know you're all about being even-handed. I like that.
Me, I happen to think there's a big difference between a city-sponsored event that should (supposedly) have no specific political agenda and a press conference called by a mayor on government property on government time where an employee of a county supervisor may have been campaigning for that mayor on government time. But what do I know, right?
Not that the Brown Act has ever been enforced with any sort of passion or zeal, I say take it up with whichever legal authority is convened for this purpose and let the chips fall where they may.
At August 04, 2006 10:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
Okay, this is like one of most weakest and lame agruements I have ever heard. But as anybody in this community knows I am always transparent and very upfront about what I do, so in fairness to YOU I will respond!
First of all I am not an incumbet or elected offical seeking re-election, nor have I called a press conference for campaigning purposes.
You know as well I do that I respectively called and asked the National Night Out organizers if I could set-up a small cardboard table to pass-out campaign literature for the candidate I support. I was cleared to do as such. If I would been told no, I would have respected them and would have brought no literature what so ever.!
Plus I paid to rent a space to have the little table to the event organizers and all incumbents and candidates were entitled to do as such, if they wished to rent a space!
Sis, you know I have always read your postings and will give you your respect at what you post.
But however the day of press conference I saw you hob-nobbing with Mayor Anderson and many people there at that event were kind of surprised how buddy-buddy you were with her. It looked sort of strange that you were all up in face when she got out of her car.
But I do not really care one bit, about your political cronies or who you roll with. Thats your business!But I am saying is I played be the rules that night and I always will!
At August 05, 2006 12:02 AM,
Anonymous said…
I would say about Michael Ali's overview of what he saw and reported was more than the right thing to do. It's just bad that these old school politicans and their supporters are getting busted. No one is immune or above the law because they are an elected offical or staff to an elected offical.
The reality is these people think that they are above the law and hence untouchable. Well I believe cyber-space print groups like the Richmond Truth Tazer and activists like Ali, we will have the right to know what's really happening.
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