Glimmer of hope
Peace Camp Remains Resolute Despite Nearby Homicide
RICHMOND, Calif. (KCBS) -- Activists living in a tent city in Richmond as part of an anti-violence vigil will not abandon their site after an early morning homicide occurred across the street Friday.
Travante James, 20, was found dead in his car with multiple gunshot wounds around 4:30 a.m. in the 400 block of South 41st Street. The activists say their resolve has not faltered and they will continue their campaign until the city’s homicide rate is zero.
"We will not be deterred. Our resolve is strong, we're going to stay the course because our theme is we want our children to live," Reverend Andre Shoemake told KCBS’ George Harris.
"You have seen a community, coming together saying enough is enough, we're tired of this madness and we want our children to live."
The peace camp near John F. Kennedy Park is one of four in the city. Michael Ali, a local activist is also a member of the camp, his niece a homicide victim in 2005.
"We're spiritual warriors and this place is holy ground,” Ali said. "As opposed to being angry I come here to honor the families, I come here to honor the youth and the young people who have tragically died for nothing."
Shoemake is certain the camps are having a positive impact on the community. "When men and women of good will come together, the impossible becomes possible. We are going to reach zero homicides in the city of Richmond."
He added that it’s time disadvantaged communities call for change. "We've always gone along with the notion that the things that are happening within African American communities, low income communities of color is just the way it is. I submit to you that it's not the way that it is, it's the way we've allowed it to be."
RICHMOND, Calif. (KCBS) -- Activists living in a tent city in Richmond as part of an anti-violence vigil will not abandon their site after an early morning homicide occurred across the street Friday.
Travante James, 20, was found dead in his car with multiple gunshot wounds around 4:30 a.m. in the 400 block of South 41st Street. The activists say their resolve has not faltered and they will continue their campaign until the city’s homicide rate is zero.
"We will not be deterred. Our resolve is strong, we're going to stay the course because our theme is we want our children to live," Reverend Andre Shoemake told KCBS’ George Harris.
"You have seen a community, coming together saying enough is enough, we're tired of this madness and we want our children to live."
The peace camp near John F. Kennedy Park is one of four in the city. Michael Ali, a local activist is also a member of the camp, his niece a homicide victim in 2005.
"We're spiritual warriors and this place is holy ground,” Ali said. "As opposed to being angry I come here to honor the families, I come here to honor the youth and the young people who have tragically died for nothing."
Shoemake is certain the camps are having a positive impact on the community. "When men and women of good will come together, the impossible becomes possible. We are going to reach zero homicides in the city of Richmond."
He added that it’s time disadvantaged communities call for change. "We've always gone along with the notion that the things that are happening within African American communities, low income communities of color is just the way it is. I submit to you that it's not the way that it is, it's the way we've allowed it to be."
At October 23, 2006 3:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
Go on Mike Ali! You always have talked the right things about community and our kids! Beautiful, just beautiful!
At October 23, 2006 3:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
Mike Ali, the angriest and most exploitative man in town is now Mr. smelling like roses. Beware the sociopath out for personal agrandizement and power and control.
At October 23, 2006 3:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
Thank you to The Tazer for working to clean up the garbage and keep this site respectable.
I must agree with the poster in a topic seems once again that these vultures live to get on TV, on the radio or in the dammed newspaper on the premise of "helping" our community. As I mentioned some time ago, there is Mike Ali again, trying to grab some spot light off the backs of the innocent. When is enough enough Mr. Ali? Are you that much of an egomaniac? And you call someone like Irma Anderson power hungry and crazy or someone like Gayle a communist! What garbage! I beg you to use your vote on November 7th for real change and to stop people like this in their tracks!
At October 23, 2006 3:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
Thank you Todos Juntos for addressing Mr. Mike Ali. Yes he is that much of an EGOMANIAC. May he never gain any real power beyond his delusions of grandieur.
Wow to the rest of us if he does.
At October 23, 2006 4:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
I cannot believe that you would lower yourself to have nothing better to do than pick on people who are doing something constructive like being involved with stopping the staggering homicides, killing and the never ending violence!
I believe you have demostrated time and time again your anger, rage and disconnect from our community.
If any one is pimps for youth, if is anyone sociopathic and out of control, it sick mental people like yourself, who have no connection to this Movement. The only change you could make is to shut your mouth, because Todos Juntos you have foul mouth and are a fool!
Your masters and you are the worst type of community activists to have existed in our community. Many of happen to think that Mr. Ali is very correct and that you and your kind as usual are very wrong!
At October 23, 2006 4:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
Well well, it didn't take long for Mr. Ali to show up as "Your damned wrong again!" to once again pump himself up and gain attention. Come on Mike, if that isn't your writing, I don't know what is! The truth is you don't have nearly as many "supporters" as you'd like to think. What garbage!
At October 23, 2006 4:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
You know again you have it wrong!
I am not him! You are the one that seems to enjoy writing the garbage!
At October 23, 2006 4:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
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At October 23, 2006 4:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
tazer administrator, true that one was too low. thanx for removing. alas part was on the mark. like now what say, how do you figure a tent city is stopping crime. seems to me the people with the guns are still out using them. can't see how sitting on your duff for weeks on end is stopping any crime. just an excuse to not get gainful employment.
At October 23, 2006 5:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
To Tazer Readers!
I support the first admendment rights to free press and speech, if this individual/s feel this is their way of communicating their views, well that's how they see it.
Personally, I am so sorry that people have to go to such depths to do as such. Having been in the REAL Richmond Violence Prevention for close to four years now, the people of Richmond are now advancing forth into a new era of human and civil rights. If these people wish to express the thoughts otherwise, what can one say. All I can say is that I feel very sorry for people who write postings like those above.
As Sun Bear once stated: All I do is pray!
Yours in the Struggle for Human and Civil Rights,
Mike Ali
At October 23, 2006 5:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
Taking flying bullets....your sick mind is just that! Sick.
At October 23, 2006 8:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
Mike Ali the sociopath speaks on illness. Take note reading audience. His highness who manipulates, uses aggression and coersion to get his way is the authority on mental health. Get help Mike Ali.
At October 23, 2006 8:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
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At October 23, 2006 9:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
n_quisitive and what is that mutual goal. we know you are Mike Ali and the only mutual goal you allow is your goal. You think you own Richmond and the voice of all the people. Who reads this tazer anyway. Most of it is Mike Ali fabricating every point of view anyway.
Get a Job Ali
At October 23, 2006 9:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
For anyone who actually is not Mike Ali reading these posting consider yourself forewarned by someone who knows the truth of Mike Ali.
the way to peace is not by following "leaders" and loudmouths who are in fact mentally ill and frauds.
At October 23, 2006 9:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
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At October 23, 2006 9:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
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At October 23, 2006 9:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
I thank you n_quisitive. I agree.
I have no solution either.
But certainly Peace on the Streets must begin in the home.
Smell a Rose. Plant a flower.
At October 24, 2006 12:05 AM,
Anonymous said…
This young lady who calls her anonymus bashing Ali sounds very mental unstable. What a shame. I think Ali, Shumake and Newsome have put their lives on the line to help make Richmond a better place to live.
At October 24, 2006 12:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
To the young lady who calls herself Anonymus. I and other people here in the Movement are aware of whom you are, and you know that you have moved out of the Bay Area over 3 months ago.
We welcomed you from the outside of our community because we thought you cared about our youth and young people here in our City of Richmond. But to take personal vendattas with me here at this violence prevention forum is morally and spiritually wrong.
All you have time to do is to sit up in cyber space and bash men and women of good faith to try to stop the killing and violence!
Sis, your wrong as you will always be wrong! Why don't you just leave our City and people alone. Because now your being viewed as the problem, not the solution!
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