A Diddy For The Day...
This piece arrived at The Tazer today, in light of the events at last night's City Council meeting. Happy reading!
This past Tuesday (June 27) at a special meeting of the Richmond City Council, all hell broke loose between a private citizen and Mayor Irma Anderson. One Mr. Evans, a very highly frustrated citizen came before Mayor Anderson and the City Council demanding that there be more accountablity on what the Mayor, City Council and Police are doing about the violence and killing on the streets of Richmond.
Evans approached the Council in a very intense fashion and addressed his concerns about police procedures regarding homicides in Richmond. He cited two homicide incidents that had occurred, one in 2002 and the another one that had happened more recently some days back. He was attempting to address the Council, that he was totally dissatisifed of how the whole bigger of the violence and killings were being handling by the Mayor's Office and Police department.
However Mr. Evans did not know that this was a special meeting of the Richmond City Council and that at special meetings, 'open forum' is not mandatory nor is required to be done under the law. So in essence, Mr. Evans did not know there would be no 'open forum' for him to address his concerns.
Anderson did give him two-minutes to express his concerns about issues that surrounded the killings and violence in Richmond. Mr. Evans respectfully requested more time to complete his statement. During the two minute period, Mr. Evans became more direct and firm when addressing the Council. It was quite clear he was highly frustrated and did not care about the two-minute time restiction. Then the Mayor advised him he must sit down and go back to his seat. Mr. Evans refused to do as such. Anderson then repeated the warning one final time!
Evans then told Anderson that she needed to back off and back down so he could continue speaking! Evans stood his ground firmly. Then a yelling match occurred between Evans, Anderson and certain City Council members.
Now all HELL was breaking loose! Tens of thousands of people were watching this meeting being broadcast in real time at KCRT, we in the Violence Prevention Movement were amazed by Mr. Evans courage, bravery and convinctions about his concerns about the bigger picture of why the City Government and the Mayor's Office was faling and had lost the "War On Violence". The yelling continued to a standstill. With Mr. Evans and the Council at deadlock, the Mayor then called for a 'recess'. Mr. Evans knowing at any time could be arrested for disturbing a public meeting by the police, held his ground. The Mayor knowing she was clearly losing control walked out. The KCRT screen stated the Council was in 'recess'.
According to City insiders, Council members Griffin and Thurman attempted to walk up to Evans and calm him down, but to no avail. There was still more yelling, and according to some insiders that everything in the Council chambers was out of control. The Mayor then gave the order that the enitre Council chamber was to be cleared of all people! That included the audience, Council members, City staff, everybody had to leave the chamber!
Anderson had deemed that the confrontation had now grown to issues of public safety and security. The police came in and ordered everyone to leave. The crowd now moved to the City Hall parking lot. The police then came spoke privately with Mr. Evans. With the crowd milling around in the parking lot, Mr. Evans left without being arrested.
Mr. Evans represents thousands upon thousands of people in Richmond, WHO ARE FED UP WITH MAYOR ANDERSON'S NOT WILLING TO ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE KILLING AND VIOLENCE IS OUT OF CONTROL IN THIS CITY!! The residents of Richmond are just FED UP with the promises and lies about the 'War On Violence' that Mayor's Office has FAILED AT AND LOST YEARS AGO!
Mr. Evans represents a new breed of citizens who will no longer accept how things are in regards to the killing and violence in this town. He wants accountability and reponsibility now by the City Government. He will no longer accept this is how it is going to be, nor will he go along to get along! Mr. Evans is man both of courage and convinction. He is truly the heartbeat and pulse of this community feelings about the killing and violence. Mr. Evans is truly a new leader from among the people of Richmond! He is man who truly walks tall in our community eyes.
The Tazer extends an open invite to Mr. Evans to speak his mind openily on this forum.
This past Tuesday (June 27) at a special meeting of the Richmond City Council, all hell broke loose between a private citizen and Mayor Irma Anderson. One Mr. Evans, a very highly frustrated citizen came before Mayor Anderson and the City Council demanding that there be more accountablity on what the Mayor, City Council and Police are doing about the violence and killing on the streets of Richmond.
Evans approached the Council in a very intense fashion and addressed his concerns about police procedures regarding homicides in Richmond. He cited two homicide incidents that had occurred, one in 2002 and the another one that had happened more recently some days back. He was attempting to address the Council, that he was totally dissatisifed of how the whole bigger of the violence and killings were being handling by the Mayor's Office and Police department.
However Mr. Evans did not know that this was a special meeting of the Richmond City Council and that at special meetings, 'open forum' is not mandatory nor is required to be done under the law. So in essence, Mr. Evans did not know there would be no 'open forum' for him to address his concerns.
Anderson did give him two-minutes to express his concerns about issues that surrounded the killings and violence in Richmond. Mr. Evans respectfully requested more time to complete his statement. During the two minute period, Mr. Evans became more direct and firm when addressing the Council. It was quite clear he was highly frustrated and did not care about the two-minute time restiction. Then the Mayor advised him he must sit down and go back to his seat. Mr. Evans refused to do as such. Anderson then repeated the warning one final time!
Evans then told Anderson that she needed to back off and back down so he could continue speaking! Evans stood his ground firmly. Then a yelling match occurred between Evans, Anderson and certain City Council members.
Now all HELL was breaking loose! Tens of thousands of people were watching this meeting being broadcast in real time at KCRT, we in the Violence Prevention Movement were amazed by Mr. Evans courage, bravery and convinctions about his concerns about the bigger picture of why the City Government and the Mayor's Office was faling and had lost the "War On Violence". The yelling continued to a standstill. With Mr. Evans and the Council at deadlock, the Mayor then called for a 'recess'. Mr. Evans knowing at any time could be arrested for disturbing a public meeting by the police, held his ground. The Mayor knowing she was clearly losing control walked out. The KCRT screen stated the Council was in 'recess'.
According to City insiders, Council members Griffin and Thurman attempted to walk up to Evans and calm him down, but to no avail. There was still more yelling, and according to some insiders that everything in the Council chambers was out of control. The Mayor then gave the order that the enitre Council chamber was to be cleared of all people! That included the audience, Council members, City staff, everybody had to leave the chamber!
Anderson had deemed that the confrontation had now grown to issues of public safety and security. The police came in and ordered everyone to leave. The crowd now moved to the City Hall parking lot. The police then came spoke privately with Mr. Evans. With the crowd milling around in the parking lot, Mr. Evans left without being arrested.
Mr. Evans represents thousands upon thousands of people in Richmond, WHO ARE FED UP WITH MAYOR ANDERSON'S NOT WILLING TO ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE KILLING AND VIOLENCE IS OUT OF CONTROL IN THIS CITY!! The residents of Richmond are just FED UP with the promises and lies about the 'War On Violence' that Mayor's Office has FAILED AT AND LOST YEARS AGO!
Mr. Evans represents a new breed of citizens who will no longer accept how things are in regards to the killing and violence in this town. He wants accountability and reponsibility now by the City Government. He will no longer accept this is how it is going to be, nor will he go along to get along! Mr. Evans is man both of courage and convinction. He is truly the heartbeat and pulse of this community feelings about the killing and violence. Mr. Evans is truly a new leader from among the people of Richmond! He is man who truly walks tall in our community eyes.
The Tazer extends an open invite to Mr. Evans to speak his mind openily on this forum.
At June 28, 2006 3:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
It seems that even when violence is discussed that it STILL isn't discussed!
Instead of engaging Mr. Evans by inquiring as to his concerns or referring him to a police spokesperson who could help him, his little speech is humored, then summarily dismissed, ultimately by parliamentary fiat.
We're in recess.
Clear the room.
For Irma Anderson and the city council it seems that "Out of sight, out of mind" is an operational policy.
For the people of Richmond, voting you bums out is ours!
At June 29, 2006 1:47 AM,
Anonymous said…
Look it's about time that somebody should just say this and be done with this that both Irma Anderson and Gayle McLaughlin are both racist, sexist socio-economic opportunists. They have their own agendas and are not what they claim to be. They are not apart of this communty and will never be one us. One demostrates political repression the other shows true stripes of a communinist.
This community will soon strike back at the voting booth this coming November. Many in this community say to hell with the both of them.
At June 29, 2006 2:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
Irma are you getting that the idea our kids are dying and you ain't doin' scrap! Why don't you just resign!
At June 29, 2006 11:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
You people just do not understand this urban culture we live in. These young people have serious firepower, they are killing people!
Hellllooooo! The mayor is powerless because she has no vision. She has failed to do her duty and does not what to be responisible for her own lousy karma at doing a bad job.
At June 29, 2006 11:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
Good-bye, Piglips
At July 05, 2006 2:32 AM,
Anonymous said…
Mayor Anderson do you really believe this how city government is really meant to be?
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