The Tazer Works!
And we prove it everyday! Healthy debate and a place to vent DOES inspire great conversation. Take for instance this post from yesterday. We've moved it to main page action along with the responses:
While most of the issues discussed on this blog are important and the dialog is frequently constructive, I have a couple of questions and concerns. For all the anger, outrage, and frustration over the ongoing violence in Richmond, do the "regular" contributors have anything constructive to offer in terms of a solution beyond generalities such as "more leadership", "replace the mayor," or "boycott the City?"
The fact is that violence of the sort Richmond is dealing with is the same sort of violence MANY other urban areas have, including cities with totally different political leadership.
In addition, Richmond's rate of violent crime has been high (even higher than it is now) under several differeny mayors and councils.This isn't to defend the current administration . . . By all means, elect whoever you think will do the best job, but don't be surprised if REGARDLESS of who is mayor, the challenges of dealing with this sort of violence continue.
Almost anyone who reads, looks at what's going on in other places, and who is willing to be rational, understands that there is no one simple solution to violent crime--and that while leadership in terms of being willing to try new, different, and creative things IS important, so is allowing best practices the time to work, bringing in good people, and not just approaching the problem in a reactionary way.
In other words, simply asking for the "National Guard" or being more open to criticism at Council meetings ARE NOT real solutions to the problem.Name calling, profanity, and other expressions of anger only compound an already difficult situation.
This blog is great when people engage and expand their minds, as opposed to just venting in an ugly and thoughtless way. My two cents for what it's worth! Thanks!
--Posted by Anonymous to The City of Richmond Truth Tazer at 6/29/2006 05:54:42 PM
Well stated, although the reference to "best practices" might give you away Anonymous! And doesn't this just scream of being the campaign speech of someone special: "
Name calling, profanity, and other expressions of anger only compound an already difficult situation. This blog is great when people engage and expand their minds, as opposed to just venting in an ugly and thoughtless way"I guess us Tazers must mind our manners.
--Posted by Anonymous to The City of Richmond Truth Tazer at 6/29/2006 10:07:02 PM
I believe that the two previous postings to be totally correct. However I believe as well we are hearing a large spectrum of individuals who previously have no outlet or forum to express their feelings and emotions in regards to the killing or violence in this town!
We may not agree with how things are stated here all the time, but people are really frustrated with how nothing is really being done or accomplished by the city government.Look at that gentlemen Charles Evans at the city council meeting the other night, the man was simply tired of how things were being done.
He just wanted results and to get things done. All of us here in Richmond are tired of the killing and violence, some folks are just more intense about their feelings on the matter as opposed to others.
But I am really greatful that at least we have the Richmond Truth Tazer to express our concerns. Some communities really have nothing to voice their opinions with.
--Posted by Micheal Ali to The City of Richmond Truth Tazer at 6/29/2006 10:37:40 PM
You people just do not understand this urban culture we live in. These young people have serious firepower, they are killing people!Hellllooooo! The mayor is powerless because she has no vision. She has failed to do her duty and does not what to be responisible for her own lousy karma at doing a bad job.
--Posted by wonder warthog to The City of Richmond Truth Tazer at 6/29/2006 11:26:08 PM
No one has to mind their manners. That wasn't my point.
I'm not interested in promoting anyone's campaign. I understand the anger and intensity, but I also think we should all be a little leary of people who call for simple, quick solutions to tough, complicated problems.
I don't care for politicians that do this; but I also think we get what we deserve as a city when we do this as individual citizens. Being the loudest, most passionate, and most angry doesn't necessarily mean you make sense or that your point is all that great. (I don't think anyone will be using that as a campaign speech in Richmond! :-))
Well well well, the "Anonymous" formerly known as "Socko" has returned. Long time, no see...
Not that it's some kind of requirement, but I'd like to get this out of the way and point out that you didn't address my comment regarding Irma Anderson. You say that "'regular' contributors" have nothing constructive to offer -- which I do NOT concede! -- but then what do you call the stifling of debate by cutting off microphones and fancy gavel tricks?
>> The fact is that violence of the sort Richmond is dealing with is the same sort of violence MANY other urban areas have..."
Other urban areas" = IRRELEVANT! Stick to Richmond, if you would. Thanks.
>> In addition, Richmond's rate of violent crime has been high (even higher than it is now) under several differeny [sic] mayors and councils.
"Several differeny [sic] mayors and councils" = IRRELEVANT! Stick to the Present, if you would. Thanks.
>>This isn't to defend the current administration...
If what you're doing -- PASSING THE BUCK! -- isn't defending the current administration, I don't know what is! What you call generalities -- "more leadership," "replace the mayor," "boycott the city" -- are very direct and simple calls for change.
In short, if the mayor and city council will not provide "more leadership" by directly addressing issues like violence and fiscal shenanigans, then the violence prevention movement might find it has to "boycott the city" council until it listens, or come November the voters will "replace the mayor." It's all very SPECIFIC once assembled.
>> By all means, elect whoever you think will do the best job, but don't be surprised if REGARDLESS of who is mayor, the challenges of dealing with this sort of violence continue.
Y'know what, despite your pessimism I'm willing to roll those dice, thank you very much! At the very least, a new administration couldn't hurt Richmond more than it's already been wounded. At best, it could really help, and wouldn't that be better for everyone?
>> Almost anyone...understands that there is no one simple solution to violent crime...
You're absolutely right, and anyone that doesn't get that needs to study up. Now, let's further agree that shutting off microphones, ending debate by command, and not discussing "it" is NOT a productive way to approach the problem, either.
>> In other words...being more open to criticism at Council meetings [IS NOT a] real (solution) to the problem.
Read from the bottom of Page 2 of any city agenda and you'll find: "The City Council’s adopted Rules of Procedure recognize that debate on policy is healthy..." But "being more open to criticism" is bad in your eyes, right? So, which one is it: "debate on policy is healthy" or SHUT UP, YOU'RE BEING CRITICAL?
It's too bad if you think that expressions of anger are out of bounds, but frustration can't help but mount when the city council and mayor -- elected, NOT dictators (supposedly) -- stand against so simple and vital a right in democratic society as FREE SPEECH!
--Posted by dread captain shiroiwashi to The City of Richmond Truth Tazer at 6/30/2006 09:11:51 AM
As you can see, everyone's comments are welcome!
While most of the issues discussed on this blog are important and the dialog is frequently constructive, I have a couple of questions and concerns. For all the anger, outrage, and frustration over the ongoing violence in Richmond, do the "regular" contributors have anything constructive to offer in terms of a solution beyond generalities such as "more leadership", "replace the mayor," or "boycott the City?"
The fact is that violence of the sort Richmond is dealing with is the same sort of violence MANY other urban areas have, including cities with totally different political leadership.
In addition, Richmond's rate of violent crime has been high (even higher than it is now) under several differeny mayors and councils.This isn't to defend the current administration . . . By all means, elect whoever you think will do the best job, but don't be surprised if REGARDLESS of who is mayor, the challenges of dealing with this sort of violence continue.
Almost anyone who reads, looks at what's going on in other places, and who is willing to be rational, understands that there is no one simple solution to violent crime--and that while leadership in terms of being willing to try new, different, and creative things IS important, so is allowing best practices the time to work, bringing in good people, and not just approaching the problem in a reactionary way.
In other words, simply asking for the "National Guard" or being more open to criticism at Council meetings ARE NOT real solutions to the problem.Name calling, profanity, and other expressions of anger only compound an already difficult situation.
This blog is great when people engage and expand their minds, as opposed to just venting in an ugly and thoughtless way. My two cents for what it's worth! Thanks!
--Posted by Anonymous to The City of Richmond Truth Tazer at 6/29/2006 05:54:42 PM
Well stated, although the reference to "best practices" might give you away Anonymous! And doesn't this just scream of being the campaign speech of someone special: "
Name calling, profanity, and other expressions of anger only compound an already difficult situation. This blog is great when people engage and expand their minds, as opposed to just venting in an ugly and thoughtless way"I guess us Tazers must mind our manners.
--Posted by Anonymous to The City of Richmond Truth Tazer at 6/29/2006 10:07:02 PM
I believe that the two previous postings to be totally correct. However I believe as well we are hearing a large spectrum of individuals who previously have no outlet or forum to express their feelings and emotions in regards to the killing or violence in this town!
We may not agree with how things are stated here all the time, but people are really frustrated with how nothing is really being done or accomplished by the city government.Look at that gentlemen Charles Evans at the city council meeting the other night, the man was simply tired of how things were being done.
He just wanted results and to get things done. All of us here in Richmond are tired of the killing and violence, some folks are just more intense about their feelings on the matter as opposed to others.
But I am really greatful that at least we have the Richmond Truth Tazer to express our concerns. Some communities really have nothing to voice their opinions with.
--Posted by Micheal Ali to The City of Richmond Truth Tazer at 6/29/2006 10:37:40 PM
You people just do not understand this urban culture we live in. These young people have serious firepower, they are killing people!Hellllooooo! The mayor is powerless because she has no vision. She has failed to do her duty and does not what to be responisible for her own lousy karma at doing a bad job.
--Posted by wonder warthog to The City of Richmond Truth Tazer at 6/29/2006 11:26:08 PM
No one has to mind their manners. That wasn't my point.
I'm not interested in promoting anyone's campaign. I understand the anger and intensity, but I also think we should all be a little leary of people who call for simple, quick solutions to tough, complicated problems.
I don't care for politicians that do this; but I also think we get what we deserve as a city when we do this as individual citizens. Being the loudest, most passionate, and most angry doesn't necessarily mean you make sense or that your point is all that great. (I don't think anyone will be using that as a campaign speech in Richmond! :-))
Well well well, the "Anonymous" formerly known as "Socko" has returned. Long time, no see...
Not that it's some kind of requirement, but I'd like to get this out of the way and point out that you didn't address my comment regarding Irma Anderson. You say that "'regular' contributors" have nothing constructive to offer -- which I do NOT concede! -- but then what do you call the stifling of debate by cutting off microphones and fancy gavel tricks?
>> The fact is that violence of the sort Richmond is dealing with is the same sort of violence MANY other urban areas have..."
Other urban areas" = IRRELEVANT! Stick to Richmond, if you would. Thanks.
>> In addition, Richmond's rate of violent crime has been high (even higher than it is now) under several differeny [sic] mayors and councils.
"Several differeny [sic] mayors and councils" = IRRELEVANT! Stick to the Present, if you would. Thanks.
>>This isn't to defend the current administration...
If what you're doing -- PASSING THE BUCK! -- isn't defending the current administration, I don't know what is! What you call generalities -- "more leadership," "replace the mayor," "boycott the city" -- are very direct and simple calls for change.
In short, if the mayor and city council will not provide "more leadership" by directly addressing issues like violence and fiscal shenanigans, then the violence prevention movement might find it has to "boycott the city" council until it listens, or come November the voters will "replace the mayor." It's all very SPECIFIC once assembled.
>> By all means, elect whoever you think will do the best job, but don't be surprised if REGARDLESS of who is mayor, the challenges of dealing with this sort of violence continue.
Y'know what, despite your pessimism I'm willing to roll those dice, thank you very much! At the very least, a new administration couldn't hurt Richmond more than it's already been wounded. At best, it could really help, and wouldn't that be better for everyone?
>> Almost anyone...understands that there is no one simple solution to violent crime...
You're absolutely right, and anyone that doesn't get that needs to study up. Now, let's further agree that shutting off microphones, ending debate by command, and not discussing "it" is NOT a productive way to approach the problem, either.
>> In other words...being more open to criticism at Council meetings [IS NOT a] real (solution) to the problem.
Read from the bottom of Page 2 of any city agenda and you'll find: "The City Council’s adopted Rules of Procedure recognize that debate on policy is healthy..." But "being more open to criticism" is bad in your eyes, right? So, which one is it: "debate on policy is healthy" or SHUT UP, YOU'RE BEING CRITICAL?
It's too bad if you think that expressions of anger are out of bounds, but frustration can't help but mount when the city council and mayor -- elected, NOT dictators (supposedly) -- stand against so simple and vital a right in democratic society as FREE SPEECH!
--Posted by dread captain shiroiwashi to The City of Richmond Truth Tazer at 6/30/2006 09:11:51 AM
As you can see, everyone's comments are welcome!
At June 30, 2006 11:34 AM,
Anonymous said…
Whe you have a free society, you have a free press such as the Tazer as an example. However, when you have a political repressed city such as Richmond, you have a Mayor that uses strong arm tactics to use political repression as a tool!
At June 30, 2006 11:56 AM,
Anonymous said…
Brother that is huge what you just. And with this Mayor she will do anything she can to hold power.
At June 30, 2006 4:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
Man, get a load of that Anderson shill saying other urban areas are just as bad and other other mayors were worse. WHO CARES?!?!?!? Fact is that we're living and dying on Irma's watch and all she does is fiddle while Richmond burns!
At June 30, 2006 8:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
At July 01, 2006 11:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
Let's be honest all the people running for Mayor suck! Irma, Gary and Gayle. God maybe we could get Socko to run. At least Socko believes in having intelligent postings.
At July 02, 2006 8:18 AM,
Anonymous said…
Sorry "numbnuts" but our pal Socko the Sockpuppeteer has too much baggage to get voted for.
1) It believes way too much in the status quo.
2) It's far too pessimistic.
3) It only believes in free speech for Irma Anderson.
I want to think it loves Richmond and wants the city to be the best it can be, but it seems to fear open and candid discussion about pressing issues. That's not the sort of mayor I want.
At July 03, 2006 2:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
LOL! Very good!
At July 03, 2006 2:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
LOL! Very good!
At July 05, 2006 2:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
I wonder if there is any marriage possibilites between Mayor Anderson and Councilmember Tony Thurman since politically in bed together,sexy,sexy~
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